Google embarked on a consumer hardware binge in August. On Tuesday, the firm introduced the long-awaited new Nest Thermostat, as well as the Google TV Streamer, which will replace the Chromecast line, which is 11 years old. Next Tuesday, at Made by Google 2024, the software giant will relaunch the Pixel line with a bevy of new devices.
Previous years' Made by Google events were held on the East Coast in October. This one takes place in the company's Mountain View headquarters and begins at 10 a.m. PT/1 p.m. ET on August 13.
As always, the quickest method to watch is via Google's livestream, which is posted below.
Along with revealing new home gadgets and an update to Google Assistant, the company has hinted at two new mobile devices: the Pixel 9 Pro and the Pixel 9 Fold. It also made it clear that its generative AI platform would take center stage, with taglines like "A (foldable) phone built for the Gemini era."
We expect to see a lot more of Android 15 during this event. The mobile operating system is expected to debut with the Pixel 9 series, coupled with an updated in-house processor. The latest versions of the Pixel Watch and Pixel Buds Pro are also expected to be released.